Arroyo Grande Valley Little League holds board meetings on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm in at the JC Room, located at the Soto Sports Complex in Arroyo Grande, Ca. Active members in good standing of AGVLL are welcome to attend board meetings. Please contact the board Secretary to confirm the meeting time and location.
Our league is only as good as our volunteers!
Board positions are open to all "League Members," defined as "parents or family members who have --or have had-- player(s) registered with AGVLL previously." League members are also able to vote for Board Members.To be eligible or to nominate potential Board Members, League Members must have or have had a player in our league previously.
The Board Nomination Meeting for the 2024-25 Season was held September 10th, 2024 in the JC Santos Room at 7PM.